Since version 0.0.2, Silex has included a simple interface to perform natural join operations on data frames. (For more background, see here.) Here’s an example of this functionality in action:
/* Apologies to Paul Revere, but we wanted a join that
would actually filter some rows out. */
case class TwoIfByLand(i: Int, byLand: String) {}
case class ThreeIfBySea(i: Int, bySea: String) {}
val landDF = spark.parallelize((0 to 50 by 2).map { i => TwoIfByLand(i, s"land: $i") }).toDF()
val seaDF = spark.parallelize((0 to 50 by 3).map { i => ThreeIfBySea(i, s"sea: $i") }).toDF()
That should produce the following output.
i byLand bySea
0 land: 0 sea: 0
6 land: 6 sea: 6
12 land: 12 sea: 12
18 land: 18 sea: 18
24 land: 24 sea: 24
30 land: 30 sea: 30
36 land: 36 sea: 36
42 land: 42 sea: 42
48 land: 48 sea: 48