Create an index function from a Scala Map of indices to values
Create an index function from a Scala Map of indices to values
The index inverval width
The Scala Map
An index function with domain equivalent to map.keysIterator, and subset of [0, wid), where f(j) = map(j), for any j defined on the map, and undefined elsewhere
Create an index function from ordered pairs (j0, v0), (j1, v1), ...
Create an index function from ordered pairs (j0, v0), (j1, v1), ...
The index interval width
Zero or more pairs (j0, v0), (j1, v1), ...
An index function with domain { j0, j1, ...} a subset of [0, wid), where f(j0) = v0, f(j1 = v1), ... and undefined elsewhere
Create an index function from a Scala IndexedSeq
Create an index function from a Scala IndexedSeq
The indexed sequence of values
An index function over interval [0, vals.length) where f(j) = vals(j)
Obtain an index function that is constant over its interval
Obtain an index function that is constant over its interval
The constant value
The interval width
an index function that returns (v) over all index values [0, wid)
Obtain an empty index function.
Obtain an empty index function.
An index function over the empty interval [0, 0), defined over no values
Obtain an index function that is undefined over its interval
Obtain an index function that is undefined over its interval
The function's index interval width
An index function that is not defined over any indices on its interval [0, wid)
Factory methods for generating index functions