Count the occurrences of values returned by a function applied to RDD rows
Count the occurrences of values returned by a function applied to RDD rows
The return type of the function
The function to apply to each RDD row
A Map from occurring values to their counts
Count the occurrences of values in a sequence returned by a function applied to RDD rows
Count the occurrences of values in a sequence returned by a function applied to RDD rows
The element type of the sequence returned by the function
The function to apply to each RDD row: returns a sequence of values
A Map from occurring values to their counts
Histogram the occurrences of values returned by a function applied to RDD rows
Histogram the occurrences of values returned by a function applied to RDD rows
The return type of the function
The function to apply to each RDD row
When true, histogram counts are normalized to sum to 1
When true, histogram counts are cumulative
A sequence ((u0, n0), (u1, n1), ...), sorted in decreasing order of counts nj
When both cumulative and normalized are true, "counts" are analoglous to a sampled CDF
Histogram the occurrences of values in a sequence returned by a function applied to RDD rows
Histogram the occurrences of values in a sequence returned by a function applied to RDD rows
The element type of the sequence returned by the function
The function to apply to each RDD row: returns a sequence of values
When true, histogram counts are normalized to sum to 1
When true, histogram counts are cumulative
A sequence ((u0, n0), (u1, n1), ...), sorted in decreasing order of counts nj
When both cumulative and normalized are true, "counts" are analoglous to a sampled CDF
Interface for enriched histogramming and counting methods on sequence-like objects
The element type of the sequence